Unity Center opened in January of 2017. We are a collaborative partnership between Adventist Health, Legacy Health, Kaiser Permanente and Oregon Health Sciences University. We work to fill a gap in mental and behavioral emergency services by offering a pioneering model in Oregon that understands behavioral health and how to better serve those experiencing mental health emergencies. This partnership has resulted in consolidated inpatient units to create a more seamless treatment experience.

Unity Center was made possible through a $20 million transformational gift from The Robert D. and Marcia H. Randall Charitable Trust. This gift inspired other community philanthropists to join this transformational endeavor. We appreciate all who have made and continue to make this possible. If you would like information on how you can contribute to this transformational work, please visit our donation website.
What we do
We take a compassionate approach to mental and behavioral health emergencies. First, we address the immediate crisis, helping our patients find relief and stabilization through the expert and empathetic care of our dedicated physicians, nurse practitioners, social workers, nurses, counselors, and peer mentors. Our team of professionals work with each patient to create a plan of care and a transition plan that can be utilized after discharge.
How we’re different
Unity Center is one of the first dedicated behavioral health emergency services to employ our unique model of care. We hope to inspire others across the country to join us in this progressive method for addressing mental and behavioral health emergencies. Our attributes include:
● Dedicated emergency services: Our 24-hour Psychiatric Emergency Services specializes in behavioral health emergencies. Our team of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, nurses and crisis intervention specialists practice a caring, respectful and interactive approach with patients at all times. Peer support specialists, who have lived experience, provide hope and support to those currently experiencing a crisis.
● A holistic approach to care: The goal is that every patient leaves Unity Center with a path to recovery in place. Our adept social workers, Crisis Intervention Specialists, and psychiatric experts team up with partner organizations in the community to create and coordinate ongoing treatment plans so that each patient walks out the door with a recovery solution.
● Multi-system collaboration: A partnership between four major healthcare organizations––Adventist Health, Legacy Health, Kaiser Permanente and OHSU––offers a collective pool of resources and expertise.
● Community-wide support: The greater Portland area, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), police and mental health and addiction service providers have come together to help create this progressive model of care.
Where we are
Unity Center for Behavioral Health is based in the greater Portland area. We are located on the Legacy Holladay Park campus at 1225 NE 2nd Ave., Portland, surrounded by facilities that can provide ongoing or additional care. We also partner with mental and behavioral health organizations across our community.
There are several Tri Met bus and streetcar stops within three blocks of Unity Center.